Friday, May 24, 2019

Total Knee Replacement and 3D Technology India - Kne3wiz

Best Technology for knee replacement in India. Total Knee Replacement and 3D Technology India, Performed using an advanced system with highly specialized software, infrared camera, and trackers. Knee replacement surgery is state of the art facilities, equipped with state of art infrastructure and latest technology.

During surgery, trackers are temporarily attached to the patient’s knee bones which transmit data to the infrared camera. This data is processed by the computer to provide real-time 3D information about the patient’s knee joint and leg alignment. The surgeon uses this information to plan bone cuts, adjust soft tissue tension, customize implant position and insert the artificial knee joint accurately.

Precise implant positioning is likely to reduce joint wear, and improve the lifespan of the artificial joint. This technology also forms an important part of robotic knee replacement. The reported benefits of computer-navigated Knee Replacement include better alignment, improved patient satisfaction, superior clinical outcomes, lesser blood loss, and lower blood transfusion rates. It also results in lesser post-operative inflammation which may reduce pain and swell aiding early mobilization and recovery.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Augmented Reality for Assistance of Total Knee Replacement - Kne3wiz

The aim of this work was the development of a surgical assistance system based on augmented reality to support joint Augmented Reality for Assistance of Total Knee Replacement procedures and implantation of the prosthetic knee. Images of the scene were captured in order to detect the visual markers located on the lateral surface of the patient’s leg for overlapping the 3D models of the prosthesis and the joint, as well as the tool used by the medical specialist. With the marker identification, it was possible to compute its position and orientation for locating the virtual models, obtaining a monitoring system for giving accurate information about the procedure.

Assisted computer surgery has improved the accuracy of many types of medical procedures, such as laparoscopy where the surgeon manipulates robotic arms performing minimally invasive surgery, using machine vision algorithms to obtain relevant data of the operation area during surgery.   

It is important to mention that due to the machine vision technique is possible to perform surgical procedures based on augmented reality, as can be seen in, where they use image processing for locating virtual tools and 3D models of some organs as well as the incisions, fastenings, and sutures necessary for performing the surgery, showing new fields in medical training without real patients.

One of the works that use the above concepts is presented in, focused on pancreatic surgery by using 3D modeling to represent the pancreas and an adjacent tumor, which is monitored by the surgeon during the intervention with some limitations in the real-time processing; however, the impact and importance of this technology in future surgeries and medical training are highlighted.